Murdered & Missing Indigenous People
MILS staff may provide services to support family members of those who are Missing or Murdered, navigate and resolve legal issues related to the loss of the loved one. Services include working with the legal issues below:
1. the statutory rights of victim’s families in criminal proceedings and investigations;
2. the Freedom of Information Act;
3. Petitions to Establish Death under MCL 700.127 and under tribal laws;
4. death benefits for surviving family members;
5. minor guardianships; and
6. simple probate processes and forms.
Current Project: As of October 1, 2023, MILS has a 3 year grant (DHHS ANA) to provide services for family members of the Murdered and Missing (up to 500% of poverty). MILS staff may also provide additional eviction defense services and help those who are housing insecure deal with barriers to housing (up to 300% of poverty).
Tribal resources collected by Uniting Three Fires.