Consumer Law
For information on Identity Theft, please see this page.
For information on Correcting Credit Reports, please see this page.
For information on Bankruptcy, please see this page.
Additional information can be found on the Federal Trade Commission's website and at
Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services regulates banks, credit unions, insurance companies, insurance agents, insurance agencies, mortgage licensees, and consumer finance-related entities. Their website has educational materials and locations for filing complaints against Banks and Insurance companies. has additional information on consumer protection.
Contact MILS
If you have a case in tribal court, please call MILS at 231-947-0122.
Other Sources of Help
For state court cases, local legal aid offices can potentially provide assistance. Call 888-783-8190 for the southern half of the state and visit LSNM to find the correct office to call for the northern half of the state.
For contact information for Indian Legal Services programs in other states, please visit the MILS NAILS page.
Each of the 12 tribes in Michigan have their own sets of law and procedures
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