Central Registry Removal

What is the central registry?

The central registry is a statewide electronic case management system used by Child Protective Services (CPS). Cases that lead to certain types of CPS investigations can result in parents or caretakers being put on the central registry. Learn more about the central registry.

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If you need assistance, please call MILS at 231-947-0122.

How is the central registry different from the sex offender registry?

The central registry is used by CPS as a database for cases involving serious abuse or neglect of a child. The sex offender registry is a list of all convicted sex offenders. Unlike the sex offender registry, information on the central registry is not public information. However, it may be requested by employers, agencies, or state officials with the DHS-1929 form.

Most recent update to the central registry:

Effective November 1, 2022, only confirmed cases of methamphetamine production, confirmed serious abuse or neglect, confirmed sexual abuse, or confirmed sexual exploitation will be automatically listed as a central registry case in Michigan. Individuals may also be placed on the central registry for convictions involving child abuse, sexual contact or penetration of a minor, sexually abusive activity of material involving a minor, child pornography, or any other conviction involving the death of a child.

Individuals may have child welfare history that previously resulted in central registry placement, but that no longer meets the criteria. Under House Bill 5594, an individual listed on the central registry before the effective date of the bill (November 1, 2022) may request a review of their record for expungement by contacting their local MDHHS. Individuals listed on the central registry after the effective date of the bill must request a review of their case within 180 days of being notified. Individuals must submit a request for review in order to have their record expunged. The record will not automatically fall off for any reason other than the death of the record holder. This request requires MDHHS to classify the case, in writing, as a ‘confirmed’ case or to expunge it. Confirmed cases include methamphetamine production, serious abuse or serious neglect, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation. For more information about amendment or expunction, please see this publication from MDHHS. 

How do I get my name removed from the central registry?

Step 1 - Check if you are on the central registry. If you have been placed on the central registry, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) must notify you. Once you have received confirmation that you are listed on the central registry, you can submit a request for information regarding your placement on the registry.

Step 2 - If you are on the Central Registry, you can request information about your placement on the central registry. You can obtain information regarding cases involving you or your child by filing a written request with your local MDHHS office. If you were a part of CPS investigations in multiple counties, you must make a request with the MDHHS office of each county where the investigations occurred. You can use this written letter request format as a guide to obtaining information in your case. 

Step 3 - Review your eligibility for removal from the central registry. If you are listed on the central registry, you may be removed for several reasons: 

Step 4 - Request removal. You may ask for your name to be removed from the central registry by submitting a written request to your local MDHHS office. You must provide information to overcome the presumption that you are a danger to children. The request must be mailed to the local office(s) that substantiated the complaint against you. Within 30 days of receiving the written request, the local office must review the case record, determine the appropriate action and inform you of its decision by mail. If the local office determines that the presumption is unreasonable, you will be removed from the central registry.

Step 5 - If the department denies the request for an amendment and/or expunction of a report or record, an administrative hearing will be requested by the Expungement Unit. An expungement analyst will put together a report that is sent to the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearing and Rules (MOAHR). MOAHR will then decide whether to approve or deny the request, and a hearing will be scheduled.