Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons

The Not Invisible Act and Savanna’s Act

Historically, the crisis of MMIP has been worsened by issues of intergovernmental jurisdiction and poor data collection. Tribal, local, state, and federal governments must work together effectively to respond to cases of MMIP. The federal government has recognized these challenges. Two bills have been passed recently with the hope of improving data collection and inter-governmental cooperation. The Not Invisible Act of 2019 established the Not Invisible Act Commission. This commission develops recommendations for improving cooperation across governments in response to cases of MMIP. Savanna’s Act of 2020 seeks to improve data collection and coordination between law enforcement agencies. 

To learn more about these bills, you may read the following factsheets from the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center.

Contact MILS

If you need additional assistance, please contact MILS at 231-947-0122.

Starting October 1, 2023, MILS has a 3-year DHHS ANA grant to provide legal assistance for family members of the Murdered and Missing (up to 500% of poverty). 

Uniting Three Fires Resources 

Native American people are at a disproportionate risk of going missing, experiencing violence, and being murdered. If someone you love goes missing, there is help available. Each Tribe has its own protocols for responding to a case of a missing person. To find Tribe-specific resources for families when a loved one goes missing, use the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Toolkit provided by Uniting Three Fires Against Violence. The Toolkit also includes regional and national resources for survivors, families, communities, and advocates. 

Additional Resources